Basic commercial and Industrial information is located on our website. If it is the property record card you seek, you can request that through our website by clicking on the CONTACT US box on the homepage of this website. We will email back the property cards, or you may come into the office to pick up hard copies. Many times problems can be cleared up at our local level without a formal appeal to the Board of Review, so it is in your best interest to contact us first before filing. If you have a vacancy issue, and it is during our reassessment time period, you may file a Vacancy Affidavit (docx) with our office. The vacancy affidavit form (docx) must be notarized and can be sent by mail or e-mail to the addresses on the form.
If you have an appraisal you would like us to review, please contact the office at (708) 301-8166 or email us at