2025 Soft Appeal-Coming Soon

Homer Township has put in place a Soft Appeal process to assist taxpayers in reviewing their assessments at the local level. The soft appeal should be used by taxpayers only. If you are a tax consultant, or lawyer, you should not use this process and should call our office to inquire how to have properties reviewed prior to the appeal deadline. Please keep in mind the assessments are as of January 1st, 2025. The assessments are based on 3 years of valid sales, not including the current year. For example, 2025 values are based on 2024, 2023, and 2022. It is best to stay in your neighborhood and use similar style homes for sales or equity comparables. Our property search will aid you in finding your comparables.

Taxpayers may have legitimate complaints if you can support the following:

  • The assessor’s estimated market value is higher than current market value. (This claim can be supported if you have recently purchased your property on the open market with a valid sale or if you supply a professional appraisal for tax purposes.)
  • The assessment of the property is based on inaccurate information, such as an incorrect measurement of a building or improvements which have been removed.
  • The assessment is higher than those of similar house style, age, and size in your neighborhood, with the same amenities.

Evidence submitted with the soft appeal should include the following:

  • Recent Sale: Closing papers
  • Based on appraisal: Full Appraisal for Market Value purposes (not for Re-fi purposes)
  • Based on Comparable Sales: 3 valid sales from your neighborhood of like properties. For example, if you are a 2 story home, the sale has to be of a 2 story home. Sales of unlike properties are not good indicators of Market Value.
  • Based on Equity: 3 equity comparables from your neighborhood. For example, if you are a 2 story home, the comparables have to be of 2 story homes that are similar. It is good to stay within 500 square feet of your home. Amenities like covered decks/patios, enclosed porches, out buildings, and in ground pools are all assessable and make a difference in the assessed value.

The 2024 Soft Appeal is now closed. If you do not agree with our soft appeal decision, the Will County Board of Review is open August 7-September 9, 2024. See the Will County SOA website for BOR information, willcountysoa.com.